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Unit 1 for We the People accepts their award.
  • Jasper High School
Gillian Blessinger

Jasper High School placed 6th overall in the state at the We the People Competition last week, which is the best finish for Jasper High School. Additionally, the Unit 1 group from Jasper won the Best Unit Award. 

The primary goal of the We the People program is to promote civic competence and responsibility among Indiana’s elementary, middle and high school students. The program includes an instructional component, focused on enhancing students’ understanding of the institutions of American constitutional democracy and discovering the contemporary relevance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and a culminating activity of a sustained congressional hearing in which students “testify” before a panel of judges. Students demonstrate their understanding of constitutional principles and have opportunities to evaluate, take and defend positions on relevant historical and contemporary issues. 

Jarrod Land, We the People and Government teacher at Jasper High School commented, “We had a diverse group of young men and women that coalesced into a formidable team. On Fridays, we would have debates (Glenn Buechlein coined the phrase ‘Donut Debate Friday’ when he taught the class at Vincennes). Through our debates and over the course of the preparation in their Units for the competition, the team demonstrated the kind of civil discourse that is lacking in our broader society today. They represented our school and our community in an amazing way. I am so proud of them as a team and as individuals”. 

Nicole Fant is a senior at Jasper High School who plans to attend Tulane University in the fall. Nicole plans to major in Political Science and hopes to have a career in Law in the future. After participating in We the People this year, Nicole said, “We the People has taught me how to research, argue, and defend my views in a team setting. It has prepared me for college, especially by forcing me to work closely with people I hadn’t known before. It has given me the confidence to speak about my views with the knowledge to support and discuss them with people who might not think the same way”. 

We the People is a course available to seniors at Jasper High School. Congratulations to this outstanding group of individuals on their success this year. 

Unit 1 for We the People accepts their award.

Unit 1 accepts the award for Best Unit. 


  • JHS
  • Jasper High School
  • Seniors
  • WTP
  • We the People
Mr. Land with Staff Member of the Month Award
  • Jasper High School
Gillian Blessinger

The GJCS Staff Member of the Month Award honors staff members that show exemplary leadership, unwavering dedication, utmost professionalism, excellence in their roles, and their consistent willingness to exceed expectations for the betterment of GJCS.

The November Staff Member of the Month is Mr. Jarrod Land, teacher at Jasper High School. 

A fellow GJCS employee commented, "We are proud to nominate Mr. Jarrod Land as the Greater Jasper Staff Member of the Month. Mr. Land is the consummate professional who has dedicated his life to creating and leading educational experiences that are both meaningful and impactful. Mr. Land exhibits the rare qualities that enable him to be both liked and respected by his students. His knowledge and passion regarding the subject he instructs is clearly outstanding. More importantly, Mr. Land has cultivated a classroom atmosphere where students feel safe and comfortable. They are given a voice and they confidently participate rather than passively listen. Several years ago Mr. Land took on the challenge of teaching and coaching a competition government class called We the People. His success was immediate and unparalleled. This was due in large part to his leadership abilities and a lot of extra time and hard work. Mr. Land has established Jasper High School as a perennial power in the We the People program at both the district and State competitions. He helps mold champions because after all, he is one."

Thank you, Mr. Land, for all you do to make Jasper GREAT! 

Mr. Land with Staff Member of the Month Award
Glenn Buechlein, Mr. Land and Dr. Lorey when Mr. Land won Staff Member of the Month


  • JHS
  • Jasper High School
  • Staff Member of the Month
The JES Spell Bowl Team is State Runner Up!
Gillian Blessinger

The Jasper Elementary School Spell Bowl Team has been named State Runner Ups in the Orange Class! The team had a score of 52 to earn the State Runner Up Title. College Wood Elementary School and Prairie Trace Elementary School tied for State Champions, with a score of 56. Congratulations to the JES Spell Bowl Team! We are proud of you. 

JES Spell Bowl Team


GJCS Schools Earn Recognition
  • Ireland Elementary School
  • Jasper Elementary School
  • Jasper High School
  • Jasper Middle School
Gillian Blessinger

Jasper High School, Jasper Middle School, Jasper Elementary School, and Ireland Elementary School all earned recognition this past week.

Jasper High School has been awarded the College Success Award from GreatSchools.Org, which recognizes and celebrates public high schools that excel at preparing students to enroll and succeed in college. Jasper High School is among 1,436 high schools in 19 states to receive this honor. For more information, visit

Jasper Middle School has received recognition from U.S. News as one of the Best Middle Schools in Indiana, ranking 84th. For more information, visit

 Ireland Elementary School and Jasper Elementary School both received recognition as some of the Best Elementary Schools in Indiana from U.S. News. Ireland Elementary School ranked 21st in the state and Jasper Elementary School ranked 171st. For more information, visit

“This recognition reflects our unwavering commitment to educational excellence and the dedication of our students, teachers, and staff.  We are proud of the hard work and collaboration that make our schools a place where every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed academically,” noted Dr. Tracy Lorey, GJCS Superintendent.

These rankings and recognitions would not be possible without the outstanding work and dedication from the GJCS students and staff members.

Mrs. Flynn holding her Staff Member of the Month Award
  • Jasper Middle School
Gillian Blessinger

The GJCS Staff Member of the Month Award honors staff members that show exemplary leadership, unwavering dedication, utmost professionalism, excellence in their roles, and their consistent willingness to exceed expectations for the betterment of GJCS.

The October Staff Member of the Month is Mrs. Jan Flynn, teacher at Jasper Middle School. 

A fellow GJCS employee commented, "We are thrilled to nominate Mrs. Jan Flynn as the GJCS Staff Member of the Month for October. This recognition is a testament to her exceptional commitment to education, innovative lesson plans, and her students' outstanding performance in state testing. Mrs. Flynn is always one of the first teachers to school and one of the last to leave. She spends that time creating lesson plans that ensure all of her students can learn and grow towards mastery of the standards. Her students’ iLearn scores are always impressive and well above the state averages. Her commitment to JMS and our students, her consistency in planning and instructing, and her professionalism in the field of education has never wavered. She is an invaluable asset to our school community."

Thank you, Mrs. Flynn, for all you do to make #JasperGREAT! 

Mrs. Flynn holding her Staff Member of the Month Award


  • JMS
  • Jasper Middle School
  • Staff Member of the Month